Case Products 90
< prev
Text File
804 lines
-- stack: in
-- format: 8 (HyperCard 1)
-- flags: 0x1000 (none)
-- protect password hash: 0
-- maximum user level: 5 (scripting)
-- window: Rect(x1=0, y1=0, x2=0, y2=0)
-- screen: Rect(x1=0, y1=0, x2=0, y2=0)
-- card dimensions: w=0 h=0
-- scroll: x=0 y=0
-- background count: 4
-- first background id: 5175
-- card count: 78
-- first card id: 3832
-- list block id: 5643
-- print block id: 24823
-- font table block id: 0
-- style table block id: 0
-- free block count: 7
-- free size: 41696 bytes
-- total size: 516096 bytes
-- stack block size: 20480 bytes
-- created by hypercard version: 0x00000000
-- compacted by hypercard version: 0x01228000
-- modified by hypercard version: 0x01228000
-- opened by hypercard version: 0x01228000
-- patterns[0]: 0x0000000000000000
-- patterns[1]: 0x8000000008000000
-- patterns[2]: 0x8800220088002200
-- patterns[3]: 0x55A95A94AB54AA55
-- patterns[4]: 0xFFFFDFFBEFFBDFFF
-- patterns[5]: 0xCCAA33AACCAA33AA
-- patterns[6]: 0xEEAABBAAEEAABBAA
-- patterns[7]: 0xEEBBBBEEEEBBBBEE
-- patterns[8]: 0xFFBBFFEEFFBBFFEE
-- patterns[9]: 0xFFBBFFFFFFBBFFFF
-- patterns[10]: 0x8010022001084004
-- patterns[11]: 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
-- patterns[12]: 0x8822882288228822
-- patterns[13]: 0x1122448811224488
-- patterns[14]: 0xFF00FF00FF00FF00
-- patterns[15]: 0x8000000000000000
-- patterns[16]: 0xC300B90820401600
-- patterns[17]: 0x8822552288225522
-- patterns[18]: 0x8855225588552255
-- patterns[19]: 0x77DD77DD77DD77DD
-- patterns[20]: 0x8000000000000000
-- patterns[21]: 0xAA55AA55AA55AA55
-- patterns[22]: 0x038448300C020101
-- patterns[23]: 0x8244394482010101
-- patterns[24]: 0xE0371C00F80FE000
-- patterns[25]: 0x88AAAAAAAA88AA88
-- patterns[26]: 0xC8C2109800666608
-- patterns[27]: 0xBE808808EB088880
-- patterns[28]: 0x25C8328964244C92
-- patterns[29]: 0xA29C41BE2AC914EB
-- patterns[30]: 0x40A00000040A0000
-- patterns[31]: 0x8040200002040800
-- patterns[32]: 0xAA00800088008000
-- patterns[33]: 0xFF80808080808080
-- patterns[34]: 0x081C22C180010204
-- patterns[35]: 0xFF808080FF080808
-- patterns[36]: 0xF87422478F172271
-- patterns[37]: 0x4004000800200200
-- patterns[38]: 0x0084200028010000
-- patterns[39]: 0xFAF5FAF5A050A050
-- checksum: 0x0
----- HyperTalk script -----
-- Thanks to Pat Lynch's public domain Bird Anatomy for the layout
-- of a few top level cards. The scripts are completely rewritten.
-- We try to avoid button and field scripts. To make the functionality
-- more uniform, mostly the title of buttons and fields is used to
-- indicate what they are supposed to do and here we interpret
-- the action according to what type and object is selected.
-- This gives the whole hierarchy more of a class oriented rather
-- than prototype oriented look and avoids tons of duplicated small
-- scripts.
-- See the HELP CARD for more info on how this works.
-- This script also contains some supporting functions that
-- are only useful in develping new stacks functioning this way.
-- Perhaps they are useful to others too. You have to call them
-- from the message window.
-- Enjoy,
-- Heinz
-- (hws@icsi.berkeley.edu, hws%gmdzi@relay.eu.net)
on mousewithin
get the name of the target
if it contains "card button" then sensearea
end mousewithin
on mouseDown
put the name of the target into tname
if tname contains "card field" then
if the visible of the target is true and the shiftkey is down then
put the short name of the target into tname
if tname contains "Help" or tname is in "Methods Repository Generators Price Summary Comments Ref# Languages LifeCycle" then
popupfield tname
end if
end if
if tname contains "card button" then
if the commandkey is down then
end if
if the optionkey is down then
allfields lock
barf "All fields of this card locked now."
end if
end if
end if
end mouseDown
on mouseUp
-- figure whether this is an auto field button (no script but
-- name contains "popup"
put the name of the target into tname
if tname contains "card button" then
put the short name of the target into tname
if tname contains "popup" then
put substring(tname,7,length(tname)) into tname
popupfield tname
end if
end if
end mouseUp
on showbtnname
get the name of the target
if it contains "card button" then
get the short name of the target
put it into card field "label"
show card field "Label" at the mouseH, the mouseV-20
end if
wait until the mouse is up
hide card field "label"
end showbtnname
on sensearea
set cursor to BlinkHand.1
wait 5
set cursor to BlinkHand.2
wait 5
set cursor to BlinkHand.3
wait 5
end sensearea
on idle
global menu1, lastTick
if (the ticks-lastTick) >120 then
put the ticks into lastTick
-- ShowMenu(menu1)
end if
pass idle
end idle
-- Fields: We associate fields to visible and hidden buttons
-- that pup them up. The corresponding button scripts
-- run through this function. So they may behave differently
-- during development and use. Moreover this way they may
-- use the same feel.
on popupfield afield
if the visible of card field afield is true then
set the locktext of card field afield to true
set the visible of card field afield to false
hide card field afield
if afield is "Author'sNote" then
set the scroll of card field afield of card "Main Menu" to 0
end if
set the visible of card field afield to true
-- Only go card has it : visual effect zoom out slowly
-- so use sound to show it didn't miss this call
-- beep
show card field afield
if the optionkey is Down then
set the locktext of card field afield to false
-- choose field tool
else -- allow second click to bring it into normal mode
set the locktext of card field afield to true
end if
end if
end popupfield
-- Transitions between cards:
-- Major cards for main menu, overview and the like: stuff that is
-- available everywhere.
-- Inside a major topic, cards behave like a separate stack of its
-- own
function hasbgbtn b
if the number of bg buttons > 0 then
repeat with i=1 to the number of bg buttons
put the name of bg button i into bname
if b is in bname then return i
end repeat
end if
return 0
end hasbgbtn
function hasbtn b
if the number of card buttons > 0 then
repeat with i=1 to the number of card buttons
put the name of card button i into bname
if b is in bname then return i
end repeat
end if
return 0
end hasbtn
on clickbtn btn
put hasbtn(btn) into btnid
if btnid > 0 then
click at the loc of card button btnid
put hasbgbtn(btn) into btnid
if btnid > 0 then
click at the loc of bg button btnid
else answer "Cickbtn never heard of button "& btn
end if
end clickbtn
on opendetail c
visualiris open
go to to card c
end opendetail
on closedetail
visualiris close
go back
end closedetail
on opentopic c
-- mark current card
visual venetian blinds
go to card c
end opentopic
on closetopic
visual barn door close
go back
end closetopic
-- Import / Export
-- This is a simple facility only, we do not attempt to get a
-- complete ASCII equivalent of a stack.
-- Field text is filled from a file into card fields
-- that are known already in the stack.
-- The syntax for import/export is this:
-- CARD: CardName
-- makes CardName the card to copy whenever a new card is
-- requested subsequently.
-- :END:
-- terminates the file
-- FieldName: MultiLineText
-- enters a multi line text into the field called FieldName.
-- If the fieldname is "Name", then a new card is created
-- by copying the current card called CardName.
-- :: comment
-- __ comment
-- starts a comment line.
function nextline
global textfile
read from file textfile until return
return it
end nextline
function substring string,substart,subend
-- ain't there a substring function in Hypertalk?
-- Here we return start,end inclusive
put "" into substr
repeat with i=substart to subend
put character i of string into nextch
put substr&nextch into substr
end repeat
return substr
end substring
function position ch,string,substart,subend
-- ain't there a position function in Hypertalk?
-- Here we consider start,end inclusive
put false into pos
repeat with i=substart to subend
if character i of string is ch then
put i into pos
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
return pos
end position
function stringtrim string
put length(string) into len
put 1 into strstart
put len into strend
repeat with i=1 to len
put char i of string into ch
if ch = space or ch = tab or ch = return then
put i+1 into strstart
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
put len into i
put char i of string into ch
if ch = space or ch = tab or ch = return then
put i-1 into strend
put i-1 into i
if i < strstart then
exit repeat
end if
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
if strstart <= strend then
return substring(string,strstart,strend)
return ""
end if
end stringtrim
on handleNewEntry lin,endentry
global currentcard, currentfield
put length(lin) into len
put substring(lin,1,endentry-1) into entryname
-- skip white space
put endentry+1 into begtext
repeat with i=begtext to len
put character i of lin into ch
if not ( ch = space or ch = tab ) then
put i into begtext
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
put substring(lin,begtext,len) into entrytext
if entryname is "CARD" then
if entrytext is not empty then
put entrytext into currentcard
end if
put entryname into currentfield
end if
if entryname is "Name" then
end if
if entryname is not "CARD" then
end if
end handleNewEntry
on newcardrequest
global currentcard,cardind
--answer "Newcardrequest"&¤tcard
go to card currentcard
doMenu "Copy Card"
doMenu "Paste Card"
put cardind+1 into cardind
-- allow to identify these cards by program
set the name of this card to "Import"&cardind
set the cantdelete of this card to false
end newcardrequest
on newfieldrequest text
global currentfield
--answer "New field:"&¤tfield
--answer "1ln:"&&text
if char 1 of text is "-" and char 2 of text is "-" then
put "" into text
end if
put text into cd field currentfield
end newfieldrequest
on streamintofield lin
global currentfield
--answer "nln:"&&lin
if cd field currentfield is empty then
put lin into cd field currentfield
put cd field currentfield & return & lin into cd field currentfield
end if
end streamintofield
on import
global textfile
close file textfile
answer "Update graphics Now?" with "Later" or "Now"
if it is "Now" then updimportcards
answer "Trim fields?" with "Later" or "Now"
if it is "Now" then trimimportfields
answer "Going to renumber product card names..."
end import
on importupdate afield
global textfile,currentfield,currentcard
put nextline() into lin
put nlines + 1 into nlines
if lin contains ":END:" then
answer nlines&&"lines read. Done..."
exit repeat
end if
put substring(lin,1,2) into startlin
-- comment lines
if startlin is not "::" and startlin is not "__" then
put length(lin) into len
put position(":",lin,2,len) into colpos
put position(" ",lin,2,len) into spacepos
if colpos is not false and (spacepos is false or colpos < spacepos ) then
handleNewEntry lin,colpos
if currentfield is not empty then
streamintofield lin
end if
end if
end if
end repeat
close file textfile
if afield is "Languages" then checklanguagebuttons
if afield is contained in "Methods Repository Generators" then
end if
if afield is in "Lifecycle" then checklcbuttons
put trimstring(cd field afield) into cd fld afield
end importupdate
on importstack
global currentfield,currentcard,cardind
put "Productmodel" into currentcard -- default card
put "" into lin
put 0 into nlines
put 1 into cardind
put "" into currentfield
put nextline() into lin
put nlines + 1 into nlines
if lin contains ":END:" then
answer nlines&&"lines read. Done..."
exit repeat
end if
put substring(lin,1,2) into startlin
-- comment lines
if startlin is not "::" and startlin is not "__" then
put length(lin) into len
put position(":",lin,2,len) into colpos
put position(" ",lin,2,len) into spacepos
if colpos is not false and (spacepos is false or colpos < spacepos ) then
handleNewEntry lin,colpos
if currentfield is not empty then
streamintofield lin
end if
end if
end if
end repeat
end importstack
on opentextfile
global textfile
if textfile is "" then
put "CASE.textonly" into textfile
end if
put ("TextFile = " && textfile) into temp
answer (temp) with "Import"
open file textfile
end opentextfile
on trimimportfields
repeat with i=1 to the number of cards
go to cd i
show message
if the short name of this card contains "Import" then
repeat with j=1 to the number of cd fields
put the name of cd field j into message
put stringtrim(cd field j) into cd field j
end repeat
end if
end repeat
end trimimportfields
on export
global textfile
close file textfile
end export
on extractlc
put "" into lc
put "" into pf
put pf&return&line 1 of cd fld platform into pf
put pf&return&line 2 of cd fld platform into pf
repeat with j=3 to the number of lines in cd fld platform
put lc&return&line j of cd fld platform into lc
end repeat
put stringtrim(lc) into lc
put length(lc) into len
if lc contains "Life cycle:" then
put substring(lc,12,len) into lc
end if
put stringtrim(lc) into lc
if char 1 of lc = "-" and char 2 of lc = "-" then put "" into lc
if lc is not empty then put lc into cd fld LifeCycle
put lc into message
popupfield LifeCycle
put stringtrim(pf) into pf
if cd fld Platform contains "Life cycle" then
put pf into cd fld Platform
end if
popupfield LifeCycle
end extractlc
-- cannot eval prop, hence allow only a few
on updgraphics
global backgroundp
put true into backgroundp
repeat with i=1 to the number of cards
go to cd i
if the short name of this card contains "Import" then
end if
end repeat
put false into backgroundp
end updgraphics
on checklanguagebuttons
-- check the languages highlighted
set the visible of cd field "Languages" to false
end checklanguagebuttons
on checklcbuttons
-- check the languages highlighted
set the visible of cd field "LifeCycle" to false
end checklcbuttons
on checksupportbuttons
-- check the languages highlighted
set the visible of cd field "Generators" to false
set the visible of cd field "Repository" to false
set the visible of cd field "Methods" to false
end checksupportbuttons
on clkbtn b
send MouseDown to cd btn b
send MouseUp to cd btn b
end clkbtn
on doMenu which
if which is "Help Case" then
opentopic "Help Case"
else if which is "References" then
opentopic "References"
else if which is "Glossary" then
opentopic "Glossary"
else if which is "Tools" then
opentopic "Product 1"
else pass doMenu
end doMenu
on glossarySearch
global openField,thiscard
set lockText of the target to false
put the short name of the target into openField
put the short name of this card into thiscard
-- double click
click at the clickLoc
click at the clickLoc
if the selection is empty then
set lockText of the target to true
exit glossarySearch
put the selection into searchWord
set lockText of the target to true
put searchWord & "ΓÇô" into searchString
set lockScreen to true
go to card "Glossary"
find searchString in field "glossary"
if the result is not empty then
go card thiscard
show card field openField
set lockscreen to false
set cursor to 4
barf "Sorry," && "ΓÇ£" & searchWord & "ΓÇ¥" && "isn't listed in the Glossary"
if the result is empty then
set lockScreen to false
end if
end if
end if
end glossarySearch
on enterKey
choose Browse tool
end enterKey
-- uniform effects solved globally
-- we distinguish tree browsing and link browsing similar to
-- the GNU Emacs info system. Tree has
-- up, down, next, previous.
-- To go down we assume there is a menu of buttons.
-- up, next, previous are similarly slots, maybe buttons of a card.
-- Links to related cards can be used by
-- follow.
-- backward along the actual path (not the tree path)
-- is supported anyway. In order not to get into the way of
-- Hypercard ids next previous etc. are named more verbosely.
function goNextCard c
visual scroll right
go to card c
result true
end goNextCard
function goPrevCard c
visual scroll left
go to card c
result true
end goPrevCard
function goDownCard c
visual iris open
go to card c
result true
end goDownCard
function goUpCard c
visual iris open
go to card c
result true
end goUpCard
on openStack
global popupbuttons,savelevel,backgroundp,menu1,closingstack
put false into closingstack
put false into backgroundp
if the version < 1.2 then
answer "This stack needs HyperCard version 1.2."
set lockMessages to true
go home
put the userlevel into savelevel
set userLevel to 2
hide menubar
hide message
set cursor to 4
go to card "main menu"
push card
show card field "loading"
set lockScreen to true
set lockMessages to true
show all cards
set lockScreen to false
set lockMessages to false
hide card field "loading"
show card field "Author'sNote"
--put NewMenu("Select", "Tools","(-","Help Case","(-", --"References","Glossary") into menu1
--if menu1 is 0 then answer("Unable to make menu 'Sections'") --with "Damn"
end if
end openStack
on closeStack
global closingstack
set cursor to 4
put true into closingstack
visual iris close
go to card "Main Menu"
visual dissolve slowly
go to card "Closing Credit"
wait 10 seconds
global menu1, saveLevel
-- put DeleteMenu(menu1) into menu1
set the userlevel to saveLevel
show menubar
-- reset the scrolls of the various scrollable cards
end closeStack
on scrollzero
set the scroll of card field "References" of card "References" to 0
set the scroll of card field "Glossary" of card "Glossary" to 0
set the scroll of card field "Author'sNote" of card "Main Menu" to 0
end scrollzero
on allFields what
if number of card fields > 0 then
repeat with i=1 to the number of card fields
if what = "show" then
set the visible of card field i to true
set the locktext of card field i to false
show card field i
else if what = "lock" then
set the locktext of card field i to true
else if what = "unlock" then
set the locktext of card field i to false
else if what = "hide" then
set the visible of card field i to false
else barf "allFields unknown option: " & what & " (ctl-.)"
end repeat
else barf "No fields on this card"
end allFields
on chgaprop afield,prop,val
repeat with i=1 to the number of cards
go to card i
if the short name of this card contains "Product" then
set the visible of cd fld afield to true
-- cannot eval prop, hence allow only a few
if prop = "width" then
set the width of cd fld afield to val
else if prop = "height" then
set the height of cd fld afield to val
else if prop = "script" then
set the script of cd fld afield to val
else if prop = "style" then
set the style of cd fld afield to val
else if prop = "locktext" then
set the locktext of cd fld afield to val
else if prop = "loc" then
set the loc of cd fld afield to val
else if prop = "textfont" then
set the textfont of cd fld afield to val
else if prop = "textstyle" then
set the textstyle of cd fld afield to val
else if prop = "visible" then
set the visible of cd fld afield to val
else if prop = "textsize" then
set the textsize of cd fld afield to val
answer "chgaprop cannot support set"&&prop
end if
-- set the prop of cd field afield to fon
end if
end repeat
answer "Done..."
end chgaprop
on chgabtn fromb,tob
repeat with i=1 to the number of cards
go to card i
if the short name of this card contains "Product" then
if hasbtn(fromb) <> 0 then
set the name of cd btn fromb to tob
end if
end if
end repeat
answer "Done..."
end chgabtn
on renumprod
put 1 into ind
repeat with i=1 to the number of cards
go to card i
show message
if the short name of this card contains "Product" and the short name of this card is not "Productmodel" then
set the name of this card to "Product"&&ind
put ind + 1 into ind
end if
end repeat
answer "Done..."
end renumprod
on barf mess
show message
put mess into message
play boing
wait 4 seconds
hide message
end barf